Thank You, Kris

Back in the early 1990s, Lynn Distler and John Cheney saw talent and drive in Kris Bobo and hired her as a part-time marketer. As time went on, she became indispensable to Comrex and eventually became a co-director of the company along with Tom Hartnett in 2006.

Kris had her hands in projects going back to the frequency extenders we used to manufacture and many different kinds of audio codecs, from POTS to ISDN to IP. She steered our ship as we launched the world's first IP audio codec, which went on to become our flagship line: the ACCESS.

Her attentive eye for design, intuitive ability to put together all the pieces, her endless curiosity and desire to learn, and her no-nonsense attitude have been true gifts that have birthed incredible products and a company to be proud of.

While we will miss her, we are so incredibly grateful for the years of service she's given and for her leadership in helping to make Comrex who we are today. 

Read the feature in Radio World here.

For those who know Kris and would like to send her a message, click here.