Golden Girl Receives First Place at Artisan Flave Awards
Madison, WI: Golden Girl Granola’s Bluesberry granola won the “Granola” category at the 2021 Artisan Flave Awards. The annual competition is organized by International Flavor Awards, LLC and features specialty, craft-made artisan granola companies from around the world.
The International Flavor Awards works to provide small to medium-sized businesses a platform to stand on and be judged against similar-sized food companies. The Artisan Flave Awards competition uses a blind-judging process with a variety of food professionals, including: restaurateurs, purveyors, manufacturers, and members of the food-centric community. This was the first year that Bluesberry granola entered the competition and the third time one of Golden Girl Granola’s flavors has won an award in the “Granola” category.
“We are thrilled that Bluesberry received first place in this year’s Flave Awards!” said Deborah O’Kelly, owner of Golden Girl Granola. “To hold the distinction of having the best-tasting granola when compared to other quality artisan brands is truly special.”
The Flave Awards strive to bring value to food-based competitions and work to promote the outstanding products and companies that set themselves apart by being known as a “Flave Award Winner.” This year over 300 products from 10 different countries were placed into 29 categories, including the “Granola” category. The other categories included but were not limited to: spicy blends, sweet treats, chutneys, jams, and jellies along with other crunchy snacks.
About Golden Girl Granola:
Golden Girl Granola™ is a family-owned and -operated business located in Shirley, Massachusetts and produces a branded line of gourmet granola products superior in taste and made from the highest-quality ingredients. Golden Girl Granola is a “Healthy Snack” alternative for health conscious consumers who appreciate good taste. Flavors include Forest Maple, Creative Cranberry, Bluesberry, Chocolate Decadence, Original, Home Sweet Honey, and Truly Tropical. Golden Girl Granola offers the complete line nationwide for Chain Supermarkets, Independent Supermarkets, Gourmet Food Stores, Club Stores and Convenience Stores.