Don’t Overlook These Safety Checks in Your New Home

Hand writing Safety First with red marker on transparent wipe board.
  Don’t Overlook These Safety
Checks in Your New Home
You are in your new home and are unpacking or perhaps you have already unpacked and have set up everything just the way you want it. Now it’s time to relax a bit.
Well … not quite yet. Here are some very important things to do to protect your new home. The following is a checklist for securing your home now and at regular intervals:
On a monthly basis:
  • Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Push the devices’ test buttons. If one isn’t working, change the batteries. Remember that smoke detectors need replacing every ten years and CO detectors, every seven years. Check the date of manufacture on each so you will know when replacement time is nearing. Clean the grills of dust for optimal operation.
  • Inspect fire extinguishers, which you should have in or near the kitchen and garage. The pressure gauge will show the level of charge – the needles should be in the green zone. If not, they may need to be recharged or replaced. Test the door locks to be sure they are fully functional on every exterior door. Check your keys and how they fit – are they difficult to insert or turn? The locks may need replacing, if so. Also, check the hinges on the doors for rust or damage.
Every six months:
  • Schedule a practice fire drill. An exit strategy that is in place and practiced is an essential process. On average, in a fire, you have only two minutes to escape the home. Each member of the family should go to their bedroom. Then, push the smoke detector test button. Have all practice low walking and leave the house, meeting at a predetermined location away from the home. Make certain that everyone can open doors and windows in the house and that there are alternate escape routes if an exit is blocked.
  • Clean out old meds. Remove medications that are out of date, disposing of them according to instructions on the label. If in doubt, check the FDA website for instructions. Some police departments accept controlled drugs for disposal as well. Check with your local municipality.
  • Sharpen your knives. Not something that you’d normally think of as a safety issue, but a dull knife is more of a danger than a sharp one. You need to apply more pressure to a dull knife to cut and this is likely to cause the knife to slip. You can hone your knives yourself or have them professionally sharpened.
On a yearly basis:
  • If you have a wood-burning fireplace, have your chimney swept. A professional, certified chimney sweep will clean the inside of the chimney to remove flammable soot and creosote.
  • Clean your dryer vent. Built-up lint gets caught up in the external dryer vent. The dryer needs to be disconnected from the power source and the gas valve turned off (if the dryer uses gas.) A vacuum with a hose should be used to clean the lint out from the dryer and duct. A dryer vent kit is available at most home improvement stores. In addition, check the ventilation system behind the dryer for damage and make sure the outdoor vent cover isn’t blocked.
  • Lastly, Update your emergency contacts. Things change. You may have changed jobs or family members may have relocated. You may have different doctors or specialists. Be certain to include phone numbers for local fire and police, poison control, and neighbors. Although you may have these numbers stored on your cell phone, it is a good idea to keep a printed copy somewhere safe. A kitchen drawer, on the refrigerator, or in a draw near a home phone landline.
If you have questions about what happens before, during, or
after a move, call the Relocation Specialists at
Ayer Moving and Storage at (800) 233-6683 or email.
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Family-owned and operated since day one, Ayer Moving and Storage takes the moving business personally. Karen Strickland and her brother Philip lead the Ayer Moving and Storage team, guided by the philosophy of their Dad, Eldon Strickland, who passed away in 2020.
Our Commitment. We know that moving, whether across the street or across the country can be filled with stress and anxiety. At Ayer Moving and Storage we are dedicated to making this time a positive experience and we do everything we can to make it so. 
Our Community.Ayer Moving and Storage is located in Ayer, MA and serves the greater Boston area, including Middlesex, Worcester, Norfolk, Essex, and Suffolk counties in Massachusetts, and southern New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island.
Karen Strickland Ayer Moving & Storage 800-233-MOVE (6683)         
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