Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
As 2023 draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the experiences that have resonated with me throughout the year, guiding me toward a better understanding of others. One particular quote, authored by Stephen Covey, consistently stands out to me, “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” These wise words have become even more relevant in today’s ever-changing world.
In today’s modern society, we are presented with a unique opportunity for growth and understanding. While it’s true that rushing to judgment and making assumptions about others has become all too common, we can view the new year as a chance to reverse the trend. Don’t let the prevalence of projecting personal thoughts onto others discourage you. Let the new year serve as a catalyst for a collective awakening, prompting us to pause and reassess our approach.
Amid a global landscape marked by tension and a myriad of issues, we can choose to see this time as an invitation to embrace Stephen Covey’s wisdom. As we enter the holiday season, amidst the festivities and celebrations, let us channel Mr. Covey’s insight by actively seeking understanding. Rather than solely expressing personal opinions, let us make a conscious effort to listen, appreciate diverse perspectives, and empathize with the rich tapestry of experiences that shapes each of us. Let us create a space for genuine connection!
As community bankers, my colleagues and I at Fidelity Bank understand the importance of fostering genuine connections and dialogue. The foundation of our unique LifeDesign C.A.R.E. process is developing a deep understanding of the client’s situation in their moment of need. This unique caring approach continues to help clients navigate the unprecedented year of 2023 and will guide us into a brighter future for the clients, communities, and colleagues we care so deeply about.
My wish for you is that the spirit of mutual understanding, love, and respect grace you and your family during the holiday season and throughout the year ahead.
With care,
Ed Manzi, Jr.
Chairman and CEO, Fidelity Bank