Tis the season to be shopping! Come experience the Westford Academy Holiday Bazaar on December 2nd! This is a student run event, led by the WA Student Council. With more than 150 crafters and vendors, the bazaar is filled with holiday gifts, desserts, international foods, games, music and homemade crafts. There’s fun for the whole family and it’s the perfect way to start off the holiday season! If you have any questions, please email Westford Academy Student Council: westfordacademyholidaybazaar@gmail.com. General admission is $2 and seniors are free. All proceeds benefit the WA Student Council.
If you have an event or fundraiser for your non profit, Westford based, team, club, organization you would like to include in our next newsletter, please fill out the form below!
Printed courtesy of www.nvcoc.com/ – Contact the Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2 Shaker Road, Suite B200, Shirley, MA 01464 – 978-425-5761 – director@nvcoc.com