Weather permitting, the Townsend Military Band will continue its 2023 Summer concert series by playing a concert from the newly renovated band stand on the Townsend Common on Thursday evening, August 24th, between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.
The Thursday evening concerts are funded by the Town of Townsend and are open to the public. Area residents of all ages are encouraged to bring their lawn chair or blanket to the Common on Thursday evening so they may sit and socialize with other concertgoers while they enjoy good music, sweet snacks, and fresh air.
The Townsend Military Band is managed by Betty Mae Tenney of Townsend and conducted by Thomas Souza of Chelmsford .
The VFW Auxiliary to Townsend Post No. 6538 will be offering home baked goods during the concert for a donation to benefit the Townsend Christmas Eve Santa Claus Program run each year by the Townsend VFW and its Auxiliary. Bottled water will also be available during the concert. Hundreds, if not thousands, of children have been visited by a Santa Claus associated with the VFW and VFW Auxiliary in Townsend on Christmas Eve over the past forty plus years. Donations of homemade baked goods to be offered at the band concert to help defray the expenses of running this annual program will be gratefully accepted.
The VFW Auxiliary organization nationwide sponsors numerous contests for students, several of which award scholarships to the state and national winners of the contest. Literature and Information about these contests and other Auxiliary programs will be available at the August 24th band concert.
The Townsend Military Band will open its concert at 7:30 p.m. by playing Bocook's adaption of “Seventy-six Trombones” and Barker's arrangement of “Cole Porter on Broadway”. Bennett's transcription of “My Fair Lady”, “Bugler's Holiday” by Anderson, Allen's “Hall of Fame March”, and Barker's arrangement of “Recorded by Sinatra” will be performed. “Fiddler on the Roof” arranged by Burden and Lithgow's “Invercagill March” will be played during the first portion of the concert.