The Hospital Closure & You
Wednesday, November 6
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Ayer Library Reading Room
The impacts of Nashoba Valley Medical Center closing are being felt by everyone in different ways. Lois Luniewicz, from the Health Equity Partnership of North Central MA, will be available on a drop-in basis to share information about managing your care in the wake of the closure and to collect your stories and concerns.
Your feedback is valuable in preparation for community visioning sessions in November and December that will help prioritize immediate strategies to help people access healthcare services and to work toward replacing the lost services that are most critical to the community.
Sponsored by the Health Equity Partnership of North Central MA, Health Care for All, Nashoba Associated Boards of Health, and Aging Services of North Central MA
Wednesday Nov 6, 2024
Ayer Library | 26 East Main Street | Ayer, MA 01432 US