We are happy to announce the return of the Monty Tech Golf Outing. As in years past, all proceeds will benefit the Foundation's Scholarship Fund. What makes this fund so unique is that "scholarships" aren't just for students going on to college. Students who choose to enter the workforce upon graduation are also qualified to apply for and receive an award - which will help them purchase the tools and equipment they need to successfully transition from school-to-career. Each year, the Monty Tech Foundation looks forward to awarding more than $40,000 in scholarships and awards to some truly remarkable students!
We are excited to host the event in a new location, Woods of Westminster Golf Course. We have reduced our rates, and are hoping this new Spring date will allow many of our supporters to come out and join us!
Registration and payment can be completed online this year, by visiting: www.bidpal.net/MTGolf23
Friday Jun 16, 2023