Lecture: Rus', Ukraine, Moscovia, Rossia: Historical Cartography in Times of War
Enjoy an Evening Lecture at the Museum
Moses Pitt. Typus Generalis Ukrainae sive Palatinatuum Podoliae, Kioviensis et Braczlaviensis terras nova delineatione exhibens. 21 x 16.5 inches. Amsterdam, c.1685.
Wednesday, July 19, 5:00 - 7:00 pm, free with registration. Seating limited to 80.
Presented by Dr. Denis Khotimsky, moderated by Dr. Svitlana Malykhina
Map collector and an independent scholar in the history of cartography, Dr. Denis Khotimsky will share his insights and knowledge of antique maps compiled in the 15th to 18th centuries, illustrating his talk with both original artifacts and high-resolution images. While historical maps prove nothing about the present-day political borders they can clarify and refute some historical myths. The talk will specifically examine the complex relationships between the concepts listed in the title, exploring the cartographic history of the term Ukraine, reviewing the challenge that cartographers faced with the imperial expansion of the Muscovite State, and tracking how the interpretation of the term Russia evolved with time and national perspective.
Denis Khotimsky is an engineer by trade, engaged in design, deployment, and standardization of passive optical networks. He serves as the elected Chair of FSAN, a worldwide association of optical access operators.
Dr. Svitlana Malykhina, Ukrainian scholar and Coordinator of the Russian Language Program at Boston University, will be moderating discussion following the lecture. She is the author of Change and Continuity in the Urban Semiosphere of Post-Soviet Kharkiv published in East-West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies and creator of the project BU Russian Poetry, a comprehensive multimedia Open Educational Resource (OER). Her fields of teaching and research include Russian, Ukrainian, cross-cultural communication, cultural history, media discourse analysis and translation theories.