The lawn party at the Townsend Military Band's Thursday, August 17th, concert on the Townsend Common will kick off the fundraising for a revised ADA compliant Kids Kountry Playground, which had originally been scheduled to take place at a July band concert which was rained out. The playground is located behind the Spaulding Memorial School at the corner of Eastman Street and Turnpike Road in Townsend. It is hoped that many townspeople will support this fundraising effort by attending the concert and lawn party.
The Townsend Selectmen, Town Administrator, Administrative Assistant, and Cemetery and Parks Department Superintendent will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs to sell to concertgoers in an effort to raise funds to improve the Kids Kountry Playground. Fried dough, popcorn, and cold soda and bottled water will also be available for purchase.
Young people attending the concert will have the opportunity to play the lollipop tree, noodle smash, and duck pond games and to get a temporary tattoo.
The Townsend Military Band will open its concert at 7:30 p.m. by playing Bocook's adaption of “Seventy-six Trombones” and Barker's arrangement of “Cole Porter on Broadway”. Bennett's transcription of “My Fair Lady”, “Bugler's Holiday” by Anderson, Allen's “Hall of Fame March”, and Barker's arrangement of “Recorded by Sinatra” will be performed. “Fiddler on the Roof” arranged by Burden and Lithgow's “Invercagill March” will be played during the first portion of the concert.
“The Avenger March” by King and Russell's arrangement of “The Sound of the Tijuana Brass” will be played following intermission. Vinson's arrangement of the “Pie in the Face Polka”, the “Poet and the Peasant Overture” arranged by Meyrelles, and “The Imperial Guards March” by Foss“ will be performed before the Townsend Band concludes its concert at 9:30 by playing the “Star Spangled Banner”.