Harbor Trace Water Treatment Plant Groundbreaking Ceremony
July 11th, 2023 at 10AM
The Town of Townsend cordially invites all community members to the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Harbor Trace Water Treatment Plant, located at 25 Harbor Trace Road, Townsend, MA. The ceremony will take place at 10AM on July 11th, 2023. Brunch will be provided.
Background Information
PFAS was found in all three wells being treated at the new treatment plant. The current Massachusetts regulation is 20ppt of 6 combined PFAS chemicals. Harbor Trace had a high of 120ppt , Witches Brook well 2 had a high of 18.8ppt, and Witches 1 had a high 4.8ppt. The Witches Brook wells even though meet current State PFAS regulations, they will not meet proposed EPA regulations. Harbor Trace Well is currently offline.
Three wells in Townsend will be treated at the Harbor Trace Treatment Plant. The treatment plant will be able to produce 2.47 million gallons per day, will meet the current Massachusetts PFAS regulations and all proposed future EPA regulations. The project costs $20.9 million dollars and will be finished Nov 2024. This project is the largest public works project in Townsend history. Townsend is a small Rural community in north central Massachusetts, has a population of under 10,000 residents and is a Tier 2 disadvantaged community.
Many thanks to all water department employees, engineers at Tighe and Bond, Local, State and Federal agencies that helped in providing funding and assistance for this project. Please come to our groundbreaking 11 July 2023 at 10am at 25 Harbor Trace Road.