Friends of the Hazen Memorial Library PIE SALE FUNDRAISER
Friends of the Library
Thursday, March 14 @ 10am
CALLING ALL BAKERS!! We appreciate all the help the bakers of Shirley have provided for our annual Holiday Fair. We will still be having that this Fall. We are hoping we can get your help with our Pi Day Pie Sale Fundraiser to help the Shirley Library with its Programming, Summer Reading, and Museum Passes.
Pies can be dropped off March 13th from 10am-6pm. We are looking for 5" and 8" or 9" pies. Pies will be sold on March 14th from 10:00am until they're gone. Please use disposable tins, thank you!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2 Shaker Road, Suite B200, Shirley, MA 01464 – 978-425-5761 –