Critical Conversations on Health Care and Educational Funding
Critical Conversations on Health Care and Educational Funding with Representative Scarsdale
Sunday, January 19, from 2-4 p.m., at The Groton Center, 163 West Main Street, West Groton
Two topics critical to the Town of Dunstable and the region – the closing of the Nashoba Valley Medical Center and the inequities in state funding for public education in this area – will be the subject of a presentation and discussion led by State Representative Margaret Scarsdale.
Critical Conversations on Health Care and Educational Funding is set for Sunday, January 19, from 2-4 p.m., at The Groton Center, 163 West Main Street, West Groton.
The presentation will cover: (1) building a sustainable collaboration that focus on getting the Nashoba Valley Medical Center back up and running and (2) forming a new coalition of 211 school districts in Massachusetts which will address the serious inequities in the state’s funding of public education.