Have a new product or an event you’d like to spread the word about? Consider promoting your news in our weekly email blasts in 2025. We send weekly to over 4000 in the region.
Sign up by January 31, 2025 and get some great deals!
$35 for 1 blast (regular rate - no discount)
$315 for 12 blasts (25% discount off $420 regular rate)
$540 for 24 blasts (35% discount off $840 regular rate)
$875 for 50 blasts (50% discount off $1750 regular rate)
Change your promotion as often as you'd like. Blasts to be used by 12/31/24. You are responsible for scheduling in advance. Emails sent on Tuesday each week - new ad copy needed by Monday.
Friday Jan 31, 2025
$35 for 1 blast (regular rate - no discount)
$315 for 12 blasts (25% discount off $420 regular rate)
$540 for 24 blasts (35% discount off $840 regular rate)
$875 for 50 blasts (50% discount off $1750 regular rate)